Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Andrea Ballard
Language Arts
English Department
309-925-2051 ext 2021
Mrs. Ballard-English Teacher
Shane Chandler
Industrial Technology
309-925-2051 ext 2041
Mr. Chandler-Industrial Technology
Stephanie Crawford
PE/Health Teacher
309-925-2051 EXT 2033
Mrs. Crawford-PE/Health
Dan Ebbert
School Phychologist
309-925-3823 ext. 3018
Nathan Edwards
309-925-2051 ext. 2025
Mr. Edwards-Vocal Music
Brianna Eeten
Special Education
Special Education Department
(309) 925-2051 ext 2047
Brianna Eeten - Teacher Page
Andrea Errion
Special Education Aide
309-925-2051 ext. 2047
Amber Eve
309-925-2051 ext. 2026
Ms. Eve-Business and Technology
Tim Frank
Physical Education
Physical Education Department
309-925-2051 ext. 2028
Mr. Frank-PE
Bradley Harris
Social Studies
Social Studies Department
(309) 925-2051 ext 2040
Mr. Harris-Social Studies Teacher
David Hillrich
Instrumental Music
Fine Arts Department
309-925-2051 ext. 2030
Mr. Hillrich-Band
Isaac Imig
Science Department
309-925-2051 ext. 2031
Mr. Imig - Chemistry
Stacie Jost
Physical Education
Physical Education Department
309-925-2051 EXT 2052
Mrs. Jost - PE
Kate Kincaid
Learning Center/Distance Learning Coordinator
309-925-2051 ext 2019
Jennifer Leiva
English Department
309-925-2051 ext 2018
Mrs. Leiva-ELA
Amelia Light
309-925-2051 ext. 2034
Susan Litwiller
High School Secretary
309-925-2051 ext. 2011
Michelle McKune
Special Education Coordinator
309-925-2051 ext. 1015
Ron Martin
Physical Education
309-925-2051 ext. 2035
Mr. Martin-PE/Driver's Ed
Miles Miller
Math Department
(309) 925-2051 ext 2024
Mr. Miller-Math Teacher