Tremont High School Madrigal Singers
Director -- Nathan Edwards
309-925-2051 ext347
Introduction: Madrigal Singers is Tremont High School's highly-select vocal ensemble. After auditioning in May, selected students begin with intensive rehearsals in early August prior to the beginning of the school year, then participate in weekly sectional and full ensemble practices for the Fall Semester. The singers and parents produce our annual Madrigal Dinner in mid-November and then entertain local audiences on and off campus through the month of December. After a mid-winter pause in rehearsals, they come back together to prepare for the Spring concert season and end-of-year events like Baccalaureate and Graduation.
Auditions: Auditions typically happen in May and consist of an application process and a challenging singing audition designed to evaluate the singer's sense of pitch, independence, and ability to learn and sing a particular SATB voice part with very little support.
Cost: Madrigal Singers are responsible for the school's activity fee, purchasing their formalwear costume, and renting, purchasing, or otherwise obtaining their Madrigal Dinner costume. Costs of these items vary by year and individual preference, but should never amount to more than $300 total if one buys everything new and spends the maximum amounts. If costs are a barrier, students should discuss options with Mr. Edwards.
Qualifications: A Madrigal Singer must be in good academic standing, enrolled at Tremont High School, and be able to enroll in Concert Choir (curricular ensemble) for at least one semester during their year of membership. The ensemble is open to all high school students regardless of age.