Lunch: Hot diggity dog, green beans, fruit, milk
The lost and found will be emptied on Friday. Please be sure to check to see if you are missing anything this week.
The sticker shop will be open today from 9:30- 10:30 in the middle school conference room.
Any 8th grade students interested in trying out for the high school Dance team, there will be a short meeting today at 2:05pm in the commons.
Next week is This or That Spirit Week. The days are:
Monday- Fancy or Pajamas
Tuesday- Hot or Cold
Wednesday- Black or White
Thursday- Heroes or Villains
Friday- 1st hour makes their own spirit day!
The winner of each day will win a snack cart voucher!
Wednesday, March 19 is Donut and Hot Cocoa day! Donuts will be sold for $2 and hot cocoa will be sold for $1 at snack cart.
Goughnuts will be selling donuts tomorrow.
Get ready to show off your skills at our Annual Talent Show on the last day of school before Spring Break, which is March 21st! Whether you sing, dance, perform magic, play an instrument, or have another amazing talent, we want to see it!
-Sign up in the office if you're interested in performing.
-Each person is allowed to participate in only one act.
-Run-through: Thursday, March 20th
The 2025 Dodgeball Tournament will be Thursday, April 3rd, from 6-8 p.m., and doors open at 5:45. Students can sign up at snack cart and in the office. Each team has five players and must have at least 2 girls. It is $5 a person on a team, and then for spectators, it is $2 to get in to watch the tournament. However, if you bring in a canned food item at the entrance, then it is only $1 to get it.
The Terrible Turk Joke of the Day:
What do you call an Irish spider?
Paddy long legs
Events this Week:
Tuesday-8th grade VB Regional game at Lincoln 5:45
Thursday-8th grade VB Regional Championship at Lincoln 5 pm
Saturday-Scholastic Bowl Conference Meet Home